Saturday, January 26, 2008

Petty, small things irritate you???

Why do you act like a jerk sometimes? Why do you get irritated for the smallest of small things?
If your innocent son makes a mess with his color markers you shout at him, if he comes running to you every minute calling "daddy, daddy" you yell at him, you yell at me coz i said that you close the lids of cups/bottles too tight..why? why do you do this?

Monday, January 21, 2008


Yes we do have debts..we always had them since we were in school. Its not new. Then why become hyper tense about it today? And bring up the topic of debts, finances, and future home deposit every now and then?
I really don't understand you? You had huge problem when I was not earning for 7 months after our sons birth. And you have a problem now when I earn good money..why?

Thursday, January 17, 2008

I don't put much thought into giving gifts to YOU!

Last night you hurt my feelings when you said that I don't put much thought into giving gifts to you. Do you even realize that we never had enough money for expensive gifts?
Only from last year I started earning a lot of money and Masha-Allah I am able to afford stuff.
I have always given gifts to you which I thought you might use and you always say NO to anything I want to do for your Birthday, Anniversary, etc.

Friday, January 04, 2008

A Good Start to a New Years!!

Let's see if I can do this!!

I will forgive everything he has done and start a fresh start from this year on. I read from some blogs and realize all this is not worth it. Life is too short ..let me live and let live.